Isaac Callinan

How To Hasten Your Recovery After Laser Eye Surgery Sydney

How To Hasten Your Recovery After Laser Eye Surgery Sydney

Laser eye surgery brings quick recovery. All things being equal, patients can experience a restored perfect vision after the first 24 hours. Just expected from a typical surgical procedure, laser eye surgery corrects the affected part of your vision once and for a lifetime. 

Laser eye surgery remains of the fastest ways to repair severely-damaged vision. Also, it is noteworthy that the safe elective procedure doesn’t have a specific recovery period. Sometimes, patients may experience improved vision immediately after laser eye surgery sydney and resume their daily routines the following day.

In other instances, patients may struggle with minor vision complications for days or weeks before healing perfectly. Meanwhile, a delayed recovery may hinder you from performing some crucial daily tasks, limiting your productivity for the next couple of months. 

Generally speaking, you may recover fully within the first five-seven days. But, if you are not well updated about the effective recovery techniques, it may take more than necessary. In a nutshell, how quickly you recover from laser eye surgery has much to do with your cooperation. And negligence may be very costly. You need to be conscious of your lifestyle after the procedure. Why? Your actions may either make a recovery quicker or worse. 

How To Hasten Your Recovery After Laser Eye Surgery Sydney

This article will not only expose you to the healing power that makes a recovery quicker, but you will also discover how to make the healing process more comfortable. Let’s enumerate the dos and don’ts in a list without further talks.

Things to do to hasten recovery after laser eye surgery

1. Do not rub your eyes

You may feel some itching sensation in your eyes after the procedure, but you don’t have to fall for the temptation to touch. No matter how hard it itches, avoid touching your eyes or rubbing them with bare hands or a handkerchief. Of course, this may be very challenging as you might feel uncomfortable, but you must stick to the plan for the best results. 

Suppose you already have the habit of touching or rubbing your eyes frequently. In that case, we will suggest that you start wearing eyeglasses after the surgery to avoid some unconscious touches. One of the gimmicks is also to apply eye medications in the form of drops faithfully. You can reduce the itching sensation and avoid unconscious touching or rubbing. Meanwhile, it is essential that you first consult your eye doctor for professional prescriptions. 

2. Be committed to your follow-up appointments

Recovering from laser eye surgery demands a constant visit to your healthcare provider. They would have recommended continuous checkups to you before leaving the surgery room on the surgery day. 

On a routine, your eye doctor would need to examine your eyes to know the healing progress and suggest the following line of action to make the process quicker. Follow-up appointments are good recommendations for quick recovery after laser eye surgery. Hence, you have to be committed to it. You are responsible for showing up on every appointment date and following the surgeon’s instructions. Depending on your doctor’s preference, you may choose to visit or your doctor comes to visit. 

3. Take rest important  

I know you can’t wait to resume your daily routines, but you need to exercise patience after the surgery. As prescribed, you must take a break from many things you usually do when you return from the laser eye surgery center. 

For instance, you should not drive or do strenuous activity after the surgery. You must take a leave from work to get enough rest for a few days of recovery. You must avoid TC screens, mobile phones, computers, and other gadgets. Your cornea heals faster when it is not exposed to light rays frequently. Hence, you can design a strategy to keep your eyes closed for many hours daily. You will also stop reading and avoid engaging in vigorous activities. 

Typically, your doctor would encourage you to take a long nap after the surgery. That should be an everyday practice until your body heals perfectly. 

How To Hasten Your Recovery After Laser Eye Surgery Sydney

4. Apply prescribed eye drops

It is common for surgeons to recommend eye drops for use after laser eye surgery. The eyedrops help your eyes heal faster and make you feel comfortable as your vision changes for the better. You must use the eyedrops at the suggested time of the day for the best result. 

The eye drops work as lubrication to prevent your eyes from developing irritations. To be factual, keeping up with the application of eye drops might not be convenient, but it’s one of the quick ways to recover. 

5. Avoid water contacting your face

Does that mean you won’t bathe? No! However, you must deliberately keep your eyes off from water. Applying water to your body is not ideal immediately after you return. And, when you finally decide to step into the bathroom, let the shower bypass the face. 

The best way to bathe without slashing water on your face is to pat dry your face. Apply little water to a soft cloth and gently use it to touch some areas on your face. Remember not to touch your eyes or nearby places with the soaked piece of fabric.

6. Protect your eyes

Rays of sunlight can damage the eyes either before the surgery or after. Hence, protecting your eyes from sunlight is key to a quick recovery. The best method to protect your eyes is to stay indoors throughout recovery or constantly wear eyeglasses if you must go outdoors. If you are not used to wearing eyeglasses, you will have to adapt to the new lifestyle for two or three weeks.

7. Don’t engage in sports

Of course, sportspeople can undergo laser eye surgery as it improves performance and enhances body fitness. However, whether you participate in contact sports or not, you will have to take a break for a few weeks after the procedure. 

Sweat is not ideal for the eyes. And, if you have just had laser eye surgery, you need to keep off any activity that could make you sweat. 

Final Thoughts 

The best way to recover quickly from Laser eye surgery is to work hand in hand with your eye doctor. During that period, he would do the necessary follow-ups and monitor the healing progress. You must also be ready to follow every instruction of your healthcare provider to ensure things go as planned. Patients’ recovery time varies. In most cases, the ability to stick to post-surgery treatment instructions makes the difference.

Posted by Isaac Callinan in Eye care, Laser Eye Surgery